Biodiversity Forum Newsletter Item Request
Yes, it's time again for our quarterly forum newsletter! Please send in your newsletter items by the 1st of October for the Spring 2019 edition.
Click here to view previous issues.
Consultation on the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy – submissions are closing soon
TÄ“nÄ koutou katoa
Thank you to those who have already made submissions on the proposal for New Zealand’s next biodiversity strategy. This is an important opportunity to contribute to how we safeguard the future of nature in Aotearoa New Zealand.
If you haven’t made your submission this is a gentle reminder that submissions close at 5pm on Sunday 22nd September 2019.
Here’s how you can provide your feedback:
NgÄ mihi nui
NZ Biodiversity Strategy Project team
Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai
Predator Free New Zealand (PFNZ) map of Predator Control in New Zealand
Predator Free New Zealand (PFNZ) maintains a map of predator control in New Zealand with the goal of telling the national story for those curious about the big picture, while also being a helpful tool in a local "find a group" sense.
We encourage any groups undertaking predator control to add themselves to PFNZ's map here The PFNZ map helps depict the scale of effort being put into making NZ predator free and they want to know about all efforts big or small. If you have any trouble email Zoe at PFNZ,
NgÄ mihi nui,
Zoe Heine
Predator Free NZ Trust