Autumn 2020 Newsletter + Predator Free Webinar + WETMAK Wetlands Monitoring and Assessment Kit

Posted 4 years, 3 months ago    0 comments


Waikato Biodiversity Forum - Autumn 2020 Newsletter!


To view any past editions of the Forum Newsletter click here

Predator Free NZ  - Expert Trapping Tips Webinar, Today 2-3pm!

To Recieve the Predator Free NZ Newsletter and updates click here

Cam Speedy from Wildlife Management Associates has over 40 years of experience in predator, threatened species and ecosystem management. Join Cam as he shares his vast knowledge and expertise.

When: Tuesday 14th April from 2pm till 3pm. Click the 'Join' button at this time to participate in the webinar. If you missed our webinar about Predator Free Wellington, watch the recorded version here.


Check out our new Restoration Tip Feature 

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Copyright © 2019  Waikato Biodiversity Forum All rights reserved.
Waikato Biodiversity Forum
c/o Waikato Regional Council
Private Bag 3038 Waikato Mail Centre
Hamilton 3240
Phone: 0800 246 348

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Item Request for 2019 Summer Edition of the Forum Newsletter

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Biodiversity Forum Newsletter Item Request

Kia ora e te Forum. Yes, it's time again for our quarterly Forum newsletter! Things are heating up and Christmas is creeping up, so please send in your newsletter items by the 12th of December for the Summer 2019 edition.

Click here to view previous issues.

Biodiversity & Tourism River Trails Day Nov 15th + Predator Free Role with Go Eco + Landcare Networking Day Nov 19th

Posted 4 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Please RSVP asap, there are still a few places left, don't miss out on this fantastic oportunity!




Spring Forum Newsletter + Environmental Technician Role with Discover Waitomo + November 15th Forum Event Reminder

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora e te forum,

Attached below is the Waikato Biodiversity Forum Spring Newsletter. Nga mihi nui to all the contributors! Enjoy the read!

waikato biodiversity forum newsletter Spring 2019 number 63.pdf


Environmental Technician Role with Discover Waitomo

Would you like to work for NZ's iconic and world renowned Waitomo Glowworm Caves and help create UNFORGETTABLE holiday experiences for our customers? We are one of NZ's original tourist destinations! The busy Discover Waitomo team is looking for a Full-time Environmental Technician who is enthusiastic about conservation and outdoor adventure and tourism industry to join their crew.

Please follow this link for more details.


Please register ASAP to secure your place on the Biodiversity Forum, Waikato River Trails Field Day!

Invite & Agenda to the Biodiversity Forum, Waikato River Trails Field Day

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Newsletter Reminder + Plant Conservation Network Award Nominations

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Waikato Biodiversity Forum Newsletter Item Request Remider. 

An extention has been made on the submission date, so please email in your items for the Spring edition of the Biodiversity Forum Newsletter by October 6th (the end of this week). Newsletter items can be anywhere between 150 and 450 words, with a photo, preferably hi resolution.Thanks! 


The New Zealand Plant Conservation Network Award Nominations Close 25th October.

A reminder that we only have a little over three weeks left to honour our plant conservation heroes! The New Zealand Plant Conservation Network (NZPCN) is looking for nominations for their annual awards. These national awards are given annually to recognise an outstanding contribution to the conservation of native plants in New Zealand. Do you know of someone who has a real interest in native plants or a passion for plant conservation (maybe one of your colleagues….or a covenant owner, or a youngster?)…or maybe a community group, a plant nursery or agency who would be a worthy recipient? Please let me know! The Awards will be presented at the NZPCN conference in Wellington in November.

If you don’t have anyone in mind for a nomination then I’d also really appreciate if you could send this reminder on to your networks so we can acknowledge the efforts people in our communities who working hard to conserve our native flora. I’ve attached a nomination form to fill in or for further circulation – please email back to me (nominations close 25th October). If you have any questions I’d welcome a call on the numbers below.

Thanks in advance,

Catherine Beard 

NZPCN Awards Convenor, Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai DDI: +64 7 858 1034 C: 027 5366928 |

NZPCN AWARDS 2019 Nomination form.pdf

Biodiversity Forum Newsletter Item Request + New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy Submissions Closing Sept 22 + Predator Free New Zealand (PFNZ) Map

Posted 4 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Biodiversity Forum Newsletter Item Request

Yes, it's time again for our quarterly forum newsletter! Please send in your newsletter items by the 1st of October for the Spring 2019 edition.

Click here to view previous issues.


Consultation on the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy – submissions are closing soon

Tēnā koutou katoa

Thank you to those who have already made submissions on the proposal for New Zealand’s next biodiversity strategy.  This is an important opportunity to contribute to how we safeguard the future of nature in Aotearoa New Zealand.

If you haven’t made your submission this is a gentle reminder that submissions close at 5pm on Sunday 22nd September 2019. 

Here’s how you can provide your feedback:

Ngā mihi nui

NZ Biodiversity Strategy Project team
Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai


Predator Free New Zealand (PFNZ) map of Predator Control in New Zealand

Predator Free New Zealand (PFNZ) maintains a map of predator control in New Zealand with the goal of telling the national story for those curious about the big picture, while also being a helpful tool in a local "find a group" sense.

We encourage any groups undertaking predator control to add themselves to PFNZ's map here  The PFNZ map helps depict the scale of effort being put into making NZ predator free and they want to know about all efforts big or small. If you have any trouble email Zoe at PFNZ,


Ngā mihi nui,


Zoe Heine
Predator Free NZ Trust


Conservation Week Bat Workshop September 20th + Have you seen Yellow Flag Iris or Bone Seed flowering?

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

The Biodiversity Forum Bat Workshop September 20th, at Waikato Museum

Please pass around the flyer to any of your networks freely. The workshop is part of conservation week and will give attendees the chance to hear from some of our leading bat experts, who will provide us with a window into the mysterious world of bats and in particular the long-tailed bats we find right here in the Waikato. The workshop will include a review and demonstration of Bat monitoring techniques, and a look at potential bat habitat surrounding the Museum.

Either register on or directly to


Have you seen Yellow Flag Iris or Bone Seed flowering?

If anybody sees any yellow flag iris flowering can you please let me know? It will help with us timing our aerial surveillance over Whangamarino.

There is a good (bad) patch of it to the left when heading north on the highway near Rangiriri.

Find out more about yellow flag iris here:

Likewise if you see BONESEED flowers around Manu Bay or any of the harbours please let me know. This will help with the timing of a drone flight. Boneseed also has a small yellow flower. We all live in a yellow submarine…


Lizzie Sharp
Whangamarino Ranger, Waikato 
Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai
M: +64 27 298 6315

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Waikato Biodiversity Forum Newsletter Autumn 2019 Issue 61

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