Reminder – WCEET’s Annual Funding Round Closes 31st March 2019

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Reminder – WCEET’s Annual Funding Round Closes 31st March 2019

The Waikato Catchment Ecological Enhancement Trust is seeking applications for its 2019 funding round for ecological enhancement projects in the Lake Taupo and Waikato River catchments.  Applications close on 31 March 2019.  Funding will go towards assisting organisations, agencies and individuals with projects that foster and enhance the sustainable management of ecological resources in the Lake Taupo and Waikato River catchments.

Since 2004, WCEET has distributed over $5.4 million throughout the Waikato catchment with a further $1.6 million committed over the next five years.

WCEET supports projects throughout the catchment that maintain and enhance indigenous biodiversity, sports fisheries and game bird populations.  

To obtain an application form or further information about the Waikato Catchment Ecological Enhancement Trust or visit




Larnie Chrystall


P +64 7 858 8501   M +64 027 523 4331




Newsletter Reminder and Waiwhakareke Forum Day Date Decided!

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora e te forum,

Waikato Biodiversity Forum Newsletter

If you have forgotten to send in your newsletter item, or it's slipped off the to-do list...please send it to me ASAP to make the March edition :) 


Waiwhakareke Forum day

The Waikato Biodiversity Forum and People, Cities, Nature are pleased to confirm the date of Friday the 24th of May for their forum/workshop day focused on biodiversity restoration, with the overarching theme of "collaboration".

The event will be held at Wintec City Campus in the morning and Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park in the afternoon

Please save this date!!

Program and invitation to come...

Newsletter Article Request + DOC Community Fund Opens 25 February 2019

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Biodiversity Forum Newsletter Item Request

Yes, it's time again for our quarterly forum newsletter! Please send in your newsletter items by the 4th of March.

Click here to view previous issues.


The DOC Community Fund

The DOC Community Fund is directed towards practical projects aimed at conserving New Zealand’s indigenous biodiversity.

The fund opens 25 February 2019. Applications are due before 5 pm, 22 March 2019.

Projects are focused on:

  • protecting and restoring our natural habitats
  • halting the decline of and restoring healthy, sustainable populations of our native species.


Approximately $8 million will be available for this round!!

Please click here for information, application forms and here to view past successful applicants. Good luck!!


Single-Year Grants for Hamilton Projects Opens 1st Feb + Givealittle Fundraising Campaign for Predator Control in the Ruakuri Scenic Reserve

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Single Year Community Grants - 2019.pdf


Givealittle fundraising campaign for predator control in the Ruakuri Scenic Reserve


The aim of this is to purchase a network of GoodNature A24 traps that will cover the entire Reserve and provide long term rat control enabling our native birds, endangered bats and forest to flourish.

Discover Waitomo, are will match, dollar for dollar, every contribution (upto15k) to this campaign.

Nga mihi

Carl Fischer
Environmental Manager | Discover Waitomo Group | Tourism Holdings Limited

Biocontrol Workshop March 22nd & Community Waikato Workshop Calendar

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Community Waikato Workshops 2019 Calendar

Please click here to check out Community Waikato's professional learning workshops. These include funding workshops, which are absolutely free! Along with training Community Waikato also supports many other forums, workshops and events. Keep an eye on their calendar for items of interest to you and your organisation

2019 Funding Workshop flyer.pdf


Biocontrol Workshop, Landcare Research, Hamilton 22nd of March

Biocontrol has huge potential to eliminate a lot of the time and cost associated with weed control in both restoration and agricultural landscapes. Please register for this workshop asap, as it is not one to be missed! Please see the attached flyer and feel free to circulate it within your own networks.


workshop flyer.pdf



Final Newsletter for 2018 & Biocontrol Workshop, March 22nd 2019

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora and Meri Kirihimete!

Thank you to all those that contributed to the  December Newsletter attached below. Enjoy the read! 

waikato biodiversity forum newsletter december 2018 number 60.pdf

You will also notice the first article regarding the Biocontrol Workshop, which the forum is hosting with strong support from Landcare Research, Waikato District and Waikato Regional Council. This is a very exciting area of work and I encourage you to spread the attached flyer to your own networks, so more of our community become enlightened on the power of biocontrol to help eliminate those pesky weeds!

Wishing you all a safe and Merry Christmas. See you in 2019!


Biodiversity Forum Newsletter Item Request (December 16th) + $8 Million in Conservation Funding set to open 25th of February 2019

Posted 6 years ago    0 comments

Biodiversity Forum Newsletter Item Request (December 16th deadline)

Ahi ahi marie to you all,

Sorry for the late notice! - This is the third time I have tried to send this message in 3 weeks (I hope it gets to you this time around!!) - some technical and probably human issues at play...

The year is once again, quickly coming to a conclusion, and it's time for another issue of the Waikato Biodiversity Forum newsletter.

Could you please send in your articles and photo by the 16th of December.

Articles should be roughly around 150- 200 words.

Click here for a link to past issues.


$8 Million  in Conservation Funding set to open 25th of February 2019


Conservation fund media release

The round will open on 25 February and close on 22 March 2019, with funding decisions announced mid-year.

Approximately $8 million will be available for community-led conservation projects.

Community groups, private landowners and iwi throughout the country can apply for the funding.

Applications should have a biodiversity focus. The fund is directed towards practical projects aimed at conserving New Zealand’s indigenous biodiversity. There are separate application forms for small ($20K and under) and large grants (over $20K).

DOC has made important changes to the DOC Community Fund process after gathering feedback from agencies, iwi, NGOs and community groups on better ways to manage the fund. For the first time, DOC is announcing a funding round and publishing online application forms three months before it opens. This gives groups more time to plan their applications. Also, there is no expressions of interest stage for this round, which will speed up the process.

For more information and applications forms, visit DOC’s website:

Conservation fund information


Connecting the Waitoa Project 20th Nov + Biodiversity Forum Landcare Networking Day, Lake Ngaroto 23rd Nov

Posted 6 years ago    0 comments

Kia ora ki te forum,

A reminder about our Landcare Networking & Biodiversity Forum Field Day, next Friday the 23rd of November. Thank you to all those who have already registered! 

Please RSVP by Monday the 19th 12:00pm (for catering purposes) to;

Bala Tikkisetty, WRC, ph 0800 800 401 or email 
Nardene Berry, NZ Landcare Trust, email 

Bala Tikkisetty, Ph0800 800 401, 

Nardene Berry,

Landcare Networking Day_23 Nov 2018 Final.pdf




Also next week we have the Connecting the Waitoa Project - Tuesday the 20th of November 9:30 - 1:00.

Please RSVP to Anita Richmond, 0273155142

Please see the flyer below for details!



