Kiwibank Predator Free Communities Funding Open + Raglan Chronicle Forum Event Article

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora raa, 

Hope your your all keeping cosy on these cool nights and are able to get out and enjoy a bit of warming winter sun on beautiful days like today!

The next round of funding for the Kiwibank Predator Free Community programme is now open. You have until 11:59pm Sunday 15th July 2018 to submit an application. Results will be announced on Tuesday 31st July 2018


Click here and go to page 11 to view an article written in last weeks Raglan Chronicle regarding the Forum event held there in May. The article highlights the importance of developing and maintaining a community culture which values the health of it's natural environmment - including their fellow humans.

Photo Credit: Landcare Trust
Full event report to be released shorly...

Waikato Biodiversity Forum June Newsletter

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora,

Attached is the June edition of the Biodiversity Forum Newsletter. Thanks to all the contributors. Enjoy the read!

Waikato Biodiversity Forum Newsletter June 2018 Number 58.pdf

Tradescantia Biocontrol Article + Opportunity to Contribute to future of Kauri

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

It was with great pleasure that I accepted the 2018 CAWS Early Career Weed Scientist Travel Award 
to visit fellow researchers, land managers and community members in New Zealand to workshop 
biological control protocols for the groundcover herbaceous weed wandering trad (Tradescantia 
fluminensis, Fig. 1a) infected with the yellow leaf spot fungus Kordyana brasiliensis (Fig. 1b). 

Kia ora,

The attached article highlights some exciting happenings around the collaborative biocontrol happening in Waikato and nationwide, through coordinated efforts.

Gooden_CAWS Travel report_18.6.2018.pdf

Below is a forward from the Kauri Dieback Programme Governance Group and Head of Biosecurity New Zealand; .



TÄ“nā koe 

New Zealand's iconic kauri trees remain at risk from the spread of kauri dieback disease. 

At the end of last year, the Government clearly signalled the need to deliver stronger protection for kauri, including the development of a National Pest Management Plan. The Kauri Dieback Programme Governance Group is progressing this work and has set up the Accelerating Protection for Kauri project to do this.  Now there’s an opportunity for everyone with an interest in kauri to contribute. 

To gather ideas and get your thoughts on ways to protect kauri there’ll be three rounds of consultation. Right now the details are still being worked on. But we can tell you the first round will be about refreshing the direction for managing kauri dieback disease. In later rounds we’ll ask you what the National Pest Management Plan could look like and ways to action it. We’re doing this over time so everyone who wants to has a chance to have their say. 

We’ll visit the following areas for hui on the first round of consultation. There’ll be a mix of marae and community venues during the day and in the evening, open to everyone: 


Monday 2 July 



Tuesday 3 July 



Wednesday 4 July 



Thursday 5 July and Friday 6 July 


We’ll be back in touch soon with more detail about the times, venues and agenda. In the meantime, please make a note of these dates and pass this information to your members or communities who may be interested in contributing to the future of kauri. 

If you can’t make the hui, there are other ways to have your say. We’ll tell you more about those in our next email. 

For any questions please reply to we’ll get back to you.

Newsletter Reminder

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora koutou,

There is still time to get articles in for the Biodiversity Forum Newsletter! Please email me items by the 10th of June (end of this week). They should be around 150 words and include a photo.


Thanks :)

Biodiversity Forum Newsletter Item Request

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora koutou,

It’s time again for the Biodiversity Forum Newsletter. I am requesting items for a June edition to be emailed in by the 10th of June.

Items should be 150 words max and include a photo.


Ngaa mihi,

Reminder to Register for May 18th Raglan Biodiversity Forum Event

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago    0 comments


Kia ora tātou

Registration for the Whaaingaroa Biodiversity Forum event will close on May 10th.

We have a great line-up of speakers and site visits. Lunch will be provided. Get in quick!

See the updated invite and agenda attached.

Bio Forum Invite_Agenda_Raglan May 2018.pdf


Report from Biodiversity Forum Event - Tokoroa, 1st of December 2017

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora koutou,

Attached is the report from our December 2017 forum event in Tokoroa. The event took us into Kinleith forest to look at how biodiversity protection and enhancement was taking place in South Waikato plantation forest. For the attendees, including myself, it was very inspiring to see corporate and community interests beginning to merge and create positive impacts for biodiversity and cultural taonga in Waikato.

I hope you enjoy the read, and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming event in Raglan on Friday May the 18th.


Waikato Biodiversity Forum Report Tokoroa Dec2017.pdf

Biodiversity Forum Event Invite - Whaingaroa, Raglan May 18th

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora,

Attached is an agenda and invitation to the May18, Biodiversity Forum event in Whaingaroa, Raglan.

If you wish to attend, please RSVP by email or phone by the 10th of May to: or 0800246348. Please provide your emergency contact and dietary needs. Lunch provided on the day.

Look forward to hearing from you soon!

Bio Forum Invite_Agenda_Raglan May 2018.pdf

