We are excited to announce the date and agenda for the combined Landcare Networking and Biodiversity Forum Field Day, to be held at Lake Ngaroto on Friday the November 23rd, 2018.
Please see the attached PDF below for all the details, and feel free to spread it to any interested individuals or networks.
Please RSVP by 15 Nov 2018 to either:
Bala Tikkisetty, WRC, ph 0800 800 401 or email
Nardene Berry, NZ Landcare Trust, email
RSVP by 15 Nov 2018 to either:
Bala Tikkisetty, WRC, ph 0800 800 401, bala.tikkisetty@waikatoregion.govt.nz
Nardene Berry, NZ Landcare Trust, nardene.berry@landcare.org.nz
Look forward to seeing you there!