Pest Management Workshop, 13th March 5:30-7:30, Go Eco, Hamilton

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Kia ora koutou,

Pest Management Workshop Go Eco.pdf

The Biodiversity Forum will be hosting a pest management workshop on Tuesday the 13th of March, 5:30 - 7:30pm at Go Eco, Hamilton, as part of the Eco Fest.

The workshop will be a follow up from last September's Predator Free Hamilton workshop, which focused on trap types and function. On this occasion we will be looking at some wider aspects of pest management projects, including funding, monitoring and support networks.

Dave Byers of the Waikato Regional Council will be presenting alongside staff from Arocha's Karioi Project and DOC. 

A question and answer session on any aspect of pest management will be offered at the workshops conclusion.

Places are limited. Please RSVP to before the 9th of March, or until full.

Pest Management Workshop Go Eco.pdf

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